Children's Resources

Our Children's resources are taken from the Free Section of the Disciplr (Children's Discipleship) website.The website is packed full of good discipleship tools and resources for all children from toddlers to Secondary School. The resources are not only good but are very accessible. Great for Sunday club teachers on the run and busy parents who want some resources to work through at home.

Information about Disciplr: 
 Disciplr serves teachers in the local church. Specifically, we simplify the process of finding awesome discipleship materials, lesson planning, organising teachers and volunteers, and presenting your material to the people you lead or teach.

Here's a closer look at what we do and why we do it.

Finding great Sunday school lessons on a tight budget can be tough for people in children’s ministry. Finding good free Sunday school lessons for kids can be even harder. Especially when you are looking for a last-minute Sunday school lifesaver. Even if you find some decent free lessons, there’s still the question of printing them out: will the lessons be formatted for printing? How much will it cost to print the lessons? There are all different kinds of Sunday school lessons out there. But fear not, we’ve assembled a list of totally free Sunday school lessons (no strings attached) by proven publishers. The best part is that you don’t even need to print them out, because they’re truly digital! (Though you can print them out if you want to.) This is a place to find lessons for the next quarter, or for a last-minute lifesaver.

What kind of free Sunday school lessons are these?

Isn’t it disappointing when free lessons turn out to be lame or missing pieces? Thankfully, these free lessons are complete with all the resources you need to teach, powered by Disciplr (not lame!). Disciplr enhances your lessons with time-saving features like the materials list and lesson scheduling. And since Disciplr lessons work on any device, you don’t have to print them unless you want to. If you’re new to Disciplr, get started in four simple steps.


God told Noah to build a boat (based on Genesis 6:9-22) Age group: 2s-3s
It is important to remember that Noah was a great man before he built the ark. The Bible tells us that Noah “walked with God” (vs. 9). He had fellowship with God, He obeyed Him, He followed Him. There are little ones ready to follow in your footsteps. Your “walk” can show them some important first steps toward God. It’s critical you continue abiding, obeying, and following God.

God told Noah to save the animals (based on Genesis 7:1-5) Age group: 2s-3s
Sometimes following God defies the world’s logic. Like Noah, your obedience is critical in your relationship with God. When you place your trust in God and are obedient to His commands, you receive a promise: “Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them” (1 John 3:24).

God kept Noah safe (based on Genesis 7:17-8:18) Age group: 2s-3s
Noah and his family entered the ark and escaped the waters of the flood. God decided to send a great flood. He knew what was needed to protect Noah and the animals. All Noah needed to do was obey God’s directions and trust God to protect him.


Specially given families (based on 1 Samuel 1:1-23) Age group: 3s-5s
Hannah and Elkanah were happy that God had given them little Samuel. They thanked God for Samuel and took very good care of him. They were glad that God had given them a family. God gives us families too.

My caring family (based on Ruth 1-4) Age group: 3s-5s
Ruth was a mum. Boaz was a daddy. And Naomi was a grandmother. The people in Ruth’s family cared for one another. People in families care for one another.

Families share (based on Genesis 13:1-12) Age group: 3s-5s
Abraham told Lot, “The land is too crowded. My servants shouldn’t yell and fight with your servants. You and I shouldn’t argue with each other. We’re part of the same family. Let’s share the land. Look at it. Which part do you want? If you go to the left part, I’ll go to the right. If you want the right part of the land, I’ll take the left.”

God made our world (based on Genesis 1-2:3) Age group: 3s
God made our world in six days. He created something extraordinary out of nothing. He made the heavens and the earth, the sky, the water, land and plants, the sun, the moon and stars, the fish and birds, and the animals and people. God made all of this for us to take care of. On the seventh day, God was finished creating our world, and He rested.

God made our world 2 (based on Genesis 1-2:3) Age group: 3s
In the very beginning of The Big God Story, God created something. Hmmm … I can’t remember what it was. We’re detectives—let’s look at the clue that is here for us. It’s a light bulb. I remember God said, “Let there be light,” and there was. God called the light day and the dark night. So what did God create on the first day? That’s right—day and night.

God made people (based on Genesis 1-2:3) Age group: 3s
Adam and Eve are a part of The Big God Story, just like you and me. God made people to love Him and one another. Whom do you love? Encourage the children to share. Possible answers: Mommy, Daddy, grandparents. Oh, those are very special people. I love my family and my friends, and I love God too! Respond and interact with children if they respond. I’m so glad that God made you and me.

God is the creator (based on Genesis 1-2:3)Age group: 4s
Friends, The Big God Story began when God created our world. God is the Creator, and He made you, and He made me. God has invited us to be part of His big story. He has given us a very important job—just like the job He gave to Adam and Eve. He has given us the responsibility to care for the world He created and everyone and everything in it. Guess what? God will be with us and give us everything we need to care for His creation. Why? Because He is good, perfect, and loving. He is not like anyone or anything else.

God is holy (based on Genesis 2-3)Age group: 4s
Because God sent Jesus—His holy and perfect Son—to die on the cross, we can be with God forever and ever because He paid the price for our sin. God is good. He is unlike anyone or anything else.

God is a promise keeper (based on Genesis 6:1 – 9:17) 4s
God made a covenant with Noah and all living creatures on earth. A covenant is a special kind of promise. It means you’re going to do what you say you’ll do, no matter what. God promised He would never flood the entire earth again. Never again would everything die like it had in the flood.

God Creates the World (based on Genesis 1:1–25)Age group: 3s – 5s
Children will hear how God created the earth and everything in it. Genesis tells us that God existed before all things. It also tells us that he is the awesome Creator of everything—the whole universe and everything in it! God is so powerful that he made everything you see out of nothing at all.

God Creates People (based on Genesis 1:26–2:25)Age group: 3s – 5s
Children will hear how God created animals and people to fill the earth and He created each of us to be distinct from one another. In Jesus and Adam, we see how parts of the Bible that might seem unrelated actually come together to paint a much more complete and wonderful picture.

Adam and Eve Disobey God (based on Genesis 3:1–24)Age 3s – 5s
Children will hear the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Children will learn how we are all sinners and we can never hide our sin from God. Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world and we are born sinful.

Primary Years

Caring families (based on Exodus 1:6—2:10) Age group: 1st
Our Bible story from Exodus about Miriam and her mother caring for baby Moses teaches us that God wants people in families to care for one another

Helpful families (based on Exodus 3—5:12) Age group:  1st
With Aaron’s help, Moses was able to do this hard job for God. Just as Moses’ brother helped him, God wants people in families to help one another.

Learning from my family (based on Exodus 18) Age group:  1st
Jethro said, “Moses, there are too many people for you to see all by yourself. You need some help!” Jethro went on, “Moses, let me help you learn a better way. You should choose some good helpers. Let them listen to the people and help them with the easier things. When something hard comes up, let your helpers bring the problem to you.”

God is our provider (based on Genesis 17:15—22; 22:1—14) Age group: 1st–4th
God’s name Jehovah Jireh means “God will provide.” God gives us exactly what we need, at the exactly right time. We don’t always see it or understand it, like Abraham. But once God provided the ram for the sacrifice, Abraham saw how perfectly God provided for him. God is the same today, and he provides for you and me.

God is our provider 2 (based on Genesis 17:15—22; 22:1—14) Age group: 1st–4th
Jesus is the most important thing God has provided for us. Having him as the leader of your life is much better than all the other things you have … because nothing and no one else can clean away your sin.

God is our battle fighter (based on Romans 8:31) Age group: 1st–4th
It was an amazing victory! The Israelites won because God had fought for them. Moses knew they would always want to remember how God had won the battle, so he stacked up some big stones into an altar. That was how the people of Israel remembered important things God had done. Moses named the altar “The Lord is my battle fighter.”

Better Than Video Games! (based on Ephesians 6:11) Age group: 1st–5th
In this group of videos or actable skits, Mom meets a new friend at the gym who seems to be going through a lot. The more time Mom spends with her, the more she realizes that her friend doesn’t know Jesus. Lily encourages Mom to share her faith and help her friend see the importance of putting on the helmet of salvation and holding up her shield of faith.

God starts to create (based on Genesis 1:1–5, 14–19) Age group: 1st–2nd
Explore with your children how incredibly mind-bending it is that God existed before time, before space, before our planet, and before us! God’s incredible power and unlimited, amazing creativity reflect His unsurpassed glory and greatness. Yet even the most awesome waterfall or majestic mountaintop gives us just a glimpse of God.

God creates water, sky, etc (based on Genesis 1:6–10, 20–23) Age group: 1st–2nd
Scientists have identified tens of thousands of different kinds of birds and fish around the world. But they estimate that there are hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, that haven’t been discovered yet! God created this infinite variety for His own enjoyment. Imagine God’s delight in being God as He watches each creature in the vast skies and seas doing exactly what He created it to do.

God creates land, plants, etc (based on Genesis 1:9–13, 24–25) Age group: 1st–2nd
God is amazing. He could have made all plants the same, but He decided to make each one different. God created nearly 300,000 different types of plants, each with its own purpose!

God redeems (based on Genesis 1—3) Age group: 1st–2nd
A redeemer is someone who makes all the wrongs right—someone who pays the price to bring back what was lost. The amazing part is that the Redeemer will be God Himself.

God keeps his word (based on Genesis 6:1—9:17) Age group: 1st–2nd
God keeps His word, and even though people were choosing to disobey and forget about God, He did not forget about them and His promise! God choose a man and his family to help carry out His promise. This man was righteous, which means he followed God even when no one else did. He chose to trust and obey God.

God is Lord of all (Genesis 12:1–9; 15—16; 21:1–7) Age group: 1st–2nd
God not only spoke His covenant promise to Abram, but even changed his name as a sign of His covenant! He wanted Abram to know that His promise was for sure—and that God is Lord of all. He wanted him to know that His promise was a big deal and a blessing.

God’s plan in creation (based on Isaiah 40:28) Age group: 2nd–3rd
We know that sometimes things do get mixed up. But when we look around us and see all the living things, it should help us to understand that these things didn’t just happen, or they would be quite mixed up. Today we will be studying the plan God used in Creation, and how it helps us trust him.

Appreciating creation (based on Genesis 1:6-13, 28-29) Age group: 2nd–3rd
God created everything. Man makes things from what God has created. Only God can create things out of nothing. Man must use what God has already created. It’s great that God created the world the way He did! He made it that way on purpose. We’ll learn more about God’s beautiful and useful creation in our Bible story.

Our amazing creator (based on Genesis 1:20-25) Age group: 2nd–3rd
Did you know that God thinks animals are pretty neat too? Animals are an important part of His plan. Today we’re going to learn about the day when God created the animals.

God creates the world (based on Genesis 1:1–10) Age group: 3rd–4th
God, as its Creator, is often described as light in the Bible. Throughout Scripture, light signifies life and blessing; it gives direction and denotes God’s presence. The Bible uses imagery of light and darkness to represent godliness and evil.

God fills the world (based on Genesis 1:11–13, 24–25)
Age group: 3rd–4th God created the world with order and design. He made the seas and then filled them with fish. He formed the land and then created cows and sheep to roam on it. God had a thoughtful, detailed plan for creation.

God’s creation flourishes (Genesis 1:20–23; Psalm 104:24–30) Age group: 3rd–4th
Creation became more exciting with each new day! God provided everything that was needed for each creature and helped His creation flourish right where He placed it.

Perfect Promise (Isaiah 7:14; 9:2–7; Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 1:26–56) 3rd–4th
Lots of people make promises. Sometimes people keep their promises and sometimes people break them. We know that no matter what, God will always keep His promises to us. He sent Jesus to be our Savior so that we could be a part of God’s family, just like He promised.

Bethlehem Baby (based on Luke 2:1–20) Age group: 3rd–4th
Jesus was the Messiah—the One God had promised to send. Jesus’ birth was part of God’s plan from the very beginning! Jesus came to tell people about God and to show what God is like. And most amazing of all, God knew that Jesus would take the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross and then coming back to life again. Jesus is the Savior!

Wise Worshipers (based on Matthew 2) Age group: 3rd–4th
Usually, when we talk about worship, we think of singing or playing music. But worship means much more than that! Worshiping Jesus includes all the things we do to show love and respect to Him. And showing love and respect to Jesus in the things we say and do is the very thing that God wants us to do.

Power Play (based on Psalm 19:1) Age group: 4th–6th
Today we learned about God’s incredible creative power. He spoke, and worlds appeared from nothing. This is just one example of God’s power in Creation! How can we respond to God’s creative power? One thing we can do is to praise Him because He created with such power.

The wise thing to do (based on Genesis 1:6-13; Psalm 104:24) Age group: 4th–6th
God taught Moses how He had created the world. Moses wrote in the Book of Genesis what he had learned. He wrote how God made possible the growth of plants to cover the earth. The Book of Genesis shows clearly how God went about His creation—in a wise, orderly fashion.

Purpose in mind (based on Genesis 1:20—2:3) Age group: 4th–6th
In the first three days of Creation, God created the earth, sky, seas, land, and plants. On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and stars. God had a purpose for the way He went about creation. All the things He had created so far helped get ready for the fifth and sixth days of Creation. After each day of creation God said that His creation was good. But God was not done yet!

God in the beginning (based on John 1:1–4; Genesis 1:1–4) Age group: 5th–6th
God is three in one, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He has existed since before time began, and yet He’s a part of each one of our finite moments. While God’s power and presence throughout eternity may be too much for us to grasp, we can celebrate the fullness of our Creator and the blessing of being in relationship with Him.

God reigns over creation (Genesis 1:14–19; Isaiah 40:21–26) Age group: 5th–6th
Isaiah 40 doesn’t just illustrate the bigness of our God, who calls every star by name and makes the heavens His dwelling place. It also shows His attention to the crowning glory of His creation: the human beings created in His image.

God’s wisdom in creation (Genesis 1:6–10; Proverbs 8:22–31) Age group: 5th–6th
Our world wasn’t thrown together; it wasn’t experimental. It was designed with wisdom—ordered in such a way that it has continued to renew itself from the beginning of time until now

High School

Words of Wisdom (based on Proverbs 1:1–7)Age group: High School
There is a real value in seeking after wisdom—but it will cost you something too. Your job as we continue in this study is to decide if the benefits of wisdom outweigh the costs. Help kids understand that the way to become wise is to get to know God better and follow His ways. Getting to know God is a life-long process!

Temples of the Holy Spirit (based on 1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 139:7; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19)Age group: High School | D6 2GEN
The Holy Spirit is often the part of the trinity that people have the hardest time understanding. The concept of a Father and a Son, at first glance, seems much easier to grasp. However, as believers who have been promised the Holy Spirit as a helper, it is vital for us to understand who the Holy Spirit is.

Fruitful Followers (based on Galatians 5:16–26)Age group: High School | D6 2GEN
The Holy Spirit produces fruit in believers, giving them new attitudes and actions that contrast with those of the unredeemed. Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to live in His followers. By following the Spirit’s leading and placing ourselves under His control, we can produce fruit for Christ.

The Miracle Birth (based on Luke 1:26–45; 2:1–7)Age group: High School | D6 2GEN
God’s promises of old came true. Mary, a virgin, conceived a child—Jesus of Nazareth—through the power of the Holy Spirit. While this lesson focuses on Christ’s birth, we will note that the Spirit played a major role in the events leading up to that miraculous day. He worked in specific people’s lives to make sure the Father’s will was accomplished.

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